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Sans surprises. Nous n’ajoutons pas de frais de gestion au prix indiqué sur notre site web.

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Dans tous les établissements de la chaîne pour rester connecté à tout moment et sans frais.

Paiement à l'hôtel (tarif flexible)

Choisissez notre tarif flexible et payez 100 % de votre réservation à l’hôtel. Nous vous demanderons votre carte de crédit en gage de garantie, mais aucun frais ne sera facturé sauf en cas d’annulation moins de 72 heures avant le jour de votre arrivée ou de non-présentation.

Tax sur le tourisme durableTax sur le tourisme durable

What is the Sustainable Tourism Tax?

Since 1 July 2016 the Sustainable Tourism Tax has been applied to all stays in tourist accommodation in the Balearic Islands. Thanks to this contribution, help us to improve water distribution and treatment, care for the enviorenmet, secure spaces for public use, promote sustainable mobility and provide an opportunity for quality work in Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza y Formentera.






Four-star and three-star superior Hotels and Apart-hotels. 3,00€ 0,75€
One, two and three-star Hotels and Apart-hotels.. 2,00€ 0,50€
Four-key and four-key superior Tourist Apartments. 4,00€ 1,00€
One, two and three-key Tourist Apartments. 2,00€ 0,50€

* VAT NOT included (10%)
* Prices per day
* High Season: From 1st May to 31st October.
* Low Season: From 1st November to 30th April.
* Children under the age of 16 are exempt from this tax.
* From the ninth day of any stay at the same establishment the tax is reduced by 50%.

Projects funded by the Sustainable Tourism Tax: 

1.- Protecting endangered flora.
2.- Protecting and recovering the natural environment in Ibiza and its agro-biodiversity.
3.- Protecting Posidonia Sea grass.
4.- Conservation of areas of nature by people at risk of social exclusion.  
5.- Assistance for farming facilities located in protected areas of nature.  
6.- Protecting of the Balearic shearwater and other birds at risk.
7.- Recovery of dune systems.

Water Cycle 
1.- Improving water treatment.

Training and Occupation  
1.- Hotel and Catering school.
2.- Work for people in long-term unemployment.
3.- Protection of occupational health of chambermaids. 

Sustainable Tourism 
1.- Renovation of Ses Figueretes promenade (Ibiza).
2.- More space for pedestrians and cyclists at Portmany Bay (Ibiza)

Historical Heritage   
1.- Acquisition of Sa Senieta farmhouse and land (Formentera)

1.- Promoting electrical mobility. 

Further information visit the website Sustainable Balearic Islands by Balearic Islands Government.  

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