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Code of conduct

VIBRA HOTELS provides a Complaints Channel that is open to its employees, clients, suppliers, and any other interested parties. This channel, enables individuals to report any violations of VIBRA HOTELS' Code of Ethics or current laws, as well as any irregularities, misconduct, or incidents of any kind within the organization. These issues may be related to ethics, legality, finance, accounting, taxation, commercial matters, administration, and more. Confidentiality is ensured for all reports made through this channel.


Additionally, VIBRA HOTELS' Complaints Channel allows individuals to make anonymous reports if they prefer to do so.


Furthermore, any interested individual can report irregular activities and/or misconduct either directly or through this internal channel. They can also use the External Information Channel of the Independent Authority for the Protection of Informants, A.A.I., or report to the relevant authorities or competent bodies, as established in Article 16 of Law 2/2023, dated February 20th, which regulates the protection of individuals who report regulatory violations and fight against corruption.


What can you report?

 As examples, the Complaints Channel enables individuals to report the following, among others, but not limited to:
• Theft.
• Workplace harassment, sexual harassment, or harassment based on gender.
• Misuse of confidential or personal information.
• Improper use of company computer equipment, such as unauthorized program downloads.
• Violations related to public procurement.
• Environmental misconduct.
• Violations of consumer rights.
• Violations related to food safety and public health.
• Acts of corruption, fraud, or bribery.
• Aggression towards minors.
• Deceptive advertising.


What practices are not covered by the Complaints Channel?

Examples of cases that should not be reported through this channel, as there are more appropriate communication channels for them, include:

• Customer service complaints.
• Requests that, for any reason, Human Resources could not address or did not address in the way the employee requested.


Regulations applicable to the Complaints Channel and what you should know:

• Policy of General Principles for the Whistleblower Channel and Informant Protection.
• User Manual for the Whistleblower Channel.


Imagen:          Imagen:



If you wish to report something through our channel, you can fill out the form here


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