Semana Santa (Holy Week) is, without a doubt, the best time to travel to Ibiza. The good weather bodes well for the arrival of the summer season and the island is filled with atmosphere so you can enjoy magical places and the extensive range of leisure, cultural and culinary activities.

Here are all the places of interest you cannot miss if you decide to visit the island during Holy Week:

Mercadillo de Las Dalias (Las Dalias Market)

At this time of year there is a much smaller influx of tourists to the island and the places you can’t usually visit in summer due to the crowds are now almost deserted. A prime example is the Mercadillo de Las Dalias. This quintessential island “Hippy Market” opens its doors every Saturday throughout the year, and is a must-see if you want to really experience Ibiza’s hippy scene. Located in San Carlos, you can find all types of Ibizan crafts and fashion, as well as delicious ecological food and live music.

Dalt Vila


A must-visit site is the Ibiza old town, known as “Dalt Vila”. The castle was built in the 16th century and was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1999. Walking through the streets and seeing Ibiza’s history first-hand is a real delight, and there are a multitude of places worth visiting within these walls. Don’t miss the amazing views from the top!

Holy Week processions in Ibiza

If Holy Week is your thing, Ibiza also has plenty to offer. Despite what you might assume, there is a more traditional side to Ibiza during the most devout week of the year. Although it is true that Holy Week is not celebrated as much as in other places, the island does boast one of the most beautiful trails for seeing the processions. Particularly worthy of note is the wonderful historic centre. We highly recommend that you don’t miss following these passages through the steep, narrow streets.

Visit the most famous beaches in Ibiza

Ibiza playasol

Say goodbye to winter! If Ibiza has anything show off it is its beaches and coves. The best thing? The are so few tourists during Holy Week, that you can enjoy everything without crowds. Cala Bassa, Cala Compta, Cala Salada… all have crystal waters and soft sands ideal for spending a day at the beach without the annoyance of not having space for your towel. This won’t happen during the summer!

Accommodation for all needs

Holy Week is when most Ibiza hotels open. If you want to be close to the centre, we recommend hotels from the Playasol Ibiza Hotels chain such as the Mare Nostrum Playasol Hotel, the New Algarb Playasol Hotel, the My Tivoli Playasol Hotel or the Jabeque Soul Playasol Hotel. The chain also has other sites but whichever one you choose, they are the best value for money hotels on the island!

Ibiza, enjoyable all year round but especially so during Holy Week. Are you coming?