You may have heard this a million times. Or maybe you haven’t. “There isn’t only one Ibiza. Ibiza has several faces.” Let us tell you something. This is absolutely true. In fact, there couldn’t be a more accurate description of what Ibiza really is: an endless kaleidoscope of lives and different experiences.

One of the most authentic and yet unknown faces of it is the one of the locals. Probably the most opposed to the one clubbers see when they come to the island. When you are born and raised in a place like this, partygoers, dancers, bouncers, bar tenders and the all-around crazy ones are part of your summer routine. However, the life of the locals has virtually nothing to do with the holidaymakers’ life. Yes, of course we enjoy going out (Hello? We created the best party island in the world!) But we also enjoy a rather more peaceful life with our families and friends. Yes, we sometimes prefer winter life, but after a while, we are craving for the summer just like our visitors do.

We know some of the island’s best-kept secrets. We know where to get the best breakfast, in chairs where your feet hang literally over the sea. We know that man that makes home-made “Hierbas” (a typical local liquor made of several wild herbs), we are crazy about the island’s interior side (the best “bocatas” are to be eaten in Santa Gertrudis) and we love to see ball pages (the traditional local dance) when we have the opportunity as well (although most of us can’t dance it at all without looking funny). But, above all, we praise and respect this unrivalled natural paradise where we live.

At Playasol Ibiza Hotels, we love the endless faces of Ibiza and we are ready to share them with you here.

Stay tuned!